Advanced Energy Healing Services may include:

Energy Healing Session

Healing Touch Energy Healing is an energy-based modality using intentional hand movements (on and off the body) in a respectful, heart centered way with the intention to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of clients.
Light on the body and near to body touch can assess where the body’s energies are blocked or not in harmony and then these intentional hand movements can unblock, correct and balance the flow of these energies.
- Healing Touch Energy Healing Session-This non-invasive approach designed to clear the energy field and offering nurturing heart centered energy through the hands, generally a few inches above the body.
- The purpose is to clear, energize, balance and nurture the energy field around the body.
- The intention is to facilitate the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well being of clients.
- This is a complementary health technique that requires certification and is practiced in many hospitals and communities in the US and around the world.
- Daily Energy Self Care tools are shared at the conclusion of each session.
Medical Intuition Session

Medical Intuition is defined as a system of expanded perception gained through the development of the human sense of intuition. Medical Intuition focuses on intuitive scanning (with client permission) to obtain information from the body and energy system (biofield) for health and well being.
As a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, Sandy uses intuitive assessments as tools for supplementary insight to discern energetic imbalances that may have manifested in the physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual aspects of a client’s unique energy system. Medical intuitive readings are done via phone.
- A Medical Intuition reading can bring to conscious awareness information from a clients biofield to assist them in addressing issues or concerns that may be affecting their wellness and optimal health.
- Medical Intuition is defined as a system of expanded perception gained through the development of the human sense of intuition. It is used with the highest level of ethics, with referrals made to a client's healthcare team for follow up. It is part of the emerging field of Complementary and Integrative Health and focuses on intuitive scanning of the energy system to obtain information from the body and biofield, in alignment with a client's goals for health, and well being.
Ear Seeds Acupressure

Ear Seeds are described as a form of acupressure in which the practitioner places with adhesive small round “seeds” in the ear on acupressure points. According to Chinese Medicine, the ear mirrors the whole body. It is believed that the ears show signs of where energy may not be flowing efficiently in the body. Ear Seeds Acupressure can trigger the “relaxation response” thereby quieting the mind and body.
Sound Healing

Sound Healing is described as the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony, balance and health. The vibrations produced with sound healing are designed to help “tune” the body and therefore, aid in restoring harmony. Sound Healing can help the brain reach deep relaxation. Sandy is trained in some “mini” sound healing techniques using brass bowls, steel drums that play different tones, percussion instruments and sweet chimes. She uses these tools to invite relaxation and to add to her healing sessions.
"There are doorways into healing for every human being and for everyone its different."—Dr. Steve Sinatra MD
*Please Note
The modalities offered on this website are considered part of the field of Complementary & Alternative Medicine and thus, are outside traditional Western approaches to health
and wellness. The services Sandy Roberston offers on this website are not licensed by the state of California. Under Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California’s Business and
Professions Code, Sandy Robertson can offer you her services as an Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner, subject to the requirements and restrictions that are described fully therein. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information