Access Your Full Energy and

the Magic of Your True Joy

Go beyond traditional energy healing, unlock your unique energy system and elevate your well being.


Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Advanced Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Coach, and Mindful Eating Coach

Sandy Robertson

Welcome! As a Board Certified Holistic Nurse, with certifications in Energy Healing and Medical Intuition, I’m here to offer you more than typical energy healing (as wonderful as that is!) My expertise delves deeper. In a Medical Intuitive reading, I take a focused, intuitive look at your Biofield/Energy system to assess potential sources of physical or energetic imbalance in your body. My methodical and compassionate approach can give you some relief, appropriate referrals and that “ah ha” you’ve been looking for.

Are you ready to explore?

If you’re curious and prepared to take the next step, let’s set up a complimentary 10-15 minute call to answer your questions about a session

"Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds, and thus our lives...”

— Bruce H. Lipton


Reignite Your Energy and Joy with Expert Guidance

Medical Intuition

Medical Intuition is defined as a system of expanded perception gained through the development of the human sense of intuition. Medical Intuition focuses on intuitive scanning (with client permission) to obtain information from the body and energy system (biofield) for health and well being.

Energy Healing

Healing Touch Energy Healing is an energy-based modality using intentional hand movements (on and off the body) in a respectful, heart centered way to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of clients.

Ear Seeds Acupressure

Ear Seeds are described as a form of acupressure in which the practitioner places with adhesive small round “seeds” in the ear on acupressure points. According to Chinese Medicine, the ear mirrors the whole body.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is described as the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony, balance and health. The vibrations produced with sound healing are designed to help “tune” the body and therefore, aid in restoring harmony.

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A Guide to Revitalize Your Heart, Mind, Body, Spirit and Energy. Sign up Today!

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Sandy has a very calming presence and was easy to work with. She was able to clearly see ongoing issues that I have with my health, which was enlightening. Her knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology was very helpful and she was able to answer my questions dearly and in detail. The whole experience was very positive and quite amazing in its accuracy. I highly recommend Sandy as a Medical Intuitive, and in fact am encouraging two of my family members to work with her as well.

Stephanie Amyot

"I always feel better after working with Sandy. My pain went down 4 points (from 8/10 to 4/10) within 10 minutes, and then dropped even lower 5 minutes later."  

C. M.

As a medical intuitive, Sandy Robertson brings a genuine, heart-centered approach to her work.  Her delivery is thoughtful, patient, and precise. Sandy's calming voice also brings a level of trust and integration if allowed by those seeking her guidance... I personally found my reading to be profoundly accurate and affirming given my knowledge of my own body.


"Sandy Robertson is a caring and professional Healing Touch practitioner. Her remote healing sessions have helped me through a challenging healing process. I always feel better after our sessions and I feel that her skills have helped me recover faster. Sandy’s intuitive insights are always profound and useful. I recommend her highly! "


My intuitive reading was aligned with my current physical challenges in many ways. Although Sandy didn't know I had been diagnosed with a liver disease, she was able to pick up on the issues my liver was having in her scan. We were able to talk about foods I'm currently eating and how they're energetically impacting my liver. I left the conversation with more insight into how my body is functioning and some direction for what I want to do next to continue my health journey.

Ashley Shafer

Sandy's reading was remarkably accurate and stunningly insightful. From tip to tail, she correctly intuited all the areas I've been inexcusably neglecting. Her reading was the wake-up call I didn't realize I needed and I'm beyond grateful. I highly recommend Sandy's services!

Molly O'Connor

I'm not new to the metaphysical. I have been involved and interested in alternative medicines and alternative forms of therapy for over 20 years.  My session with Sandy Robertson was hands down the best, most accurate session I've ever experienced in my life.  My Medical Intuitive Reading was one I will never forget.  I will no doubt call Sandy in the future!

Gina Baker

Sandy Robertson's amazing intuitive abilities, combined with decades as a medical professional, make her an invaluable resource in the journey to creating vibrant health! 

From the first moment of the intuitive medical reading, Sandy blew me away by tuning into on my exact areas of concern. She provided me with insights into which body systems were out of balance and made practical suggestions for future medical evaluation and self-care.

With wisdom and compassion, Sandy brought into focus the life experiences which may be contributing to imbalances, and how to shift them. Working with Sandy is a gift that should not be missed.

Dale Paula Teplitz

While Sandy Robertson can't guarantee any specific results and the above testimonials do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome of an individual using her services for any particular issue or problem, her clients report having positive experiences.